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Download Free PDF. Brooklyn ClothingLab. A short summary of this paper. Download Download PDF. Odell, Ph. Odell All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission by the publisher, with the exception that owners of this e-book are permitted to print a single copy for personal use.

Odell, unless otherwise indicated. Trademarks All terms nikon capture nx2 manual pdf free this book that are known to be trademarks or service marks have been appropriately capitalized. Aperture is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. U point and Nik are trademarks of Nik Software, Inc. Photoshop and Lightroom are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems, Inc. Windows is a registered ffee nikon capture nx2 manual pdf free Microsoft, Acpture.

Disclaimer This book is not sponsored by Nikon Corporation or its affiliates. Every effort has been manhal to nikon capture nx2 manual pdf free the information contained in this book as reliable as possible, but no warranty of fitness is implied. The author and publisher shall not nikon capture nx2 manual pdf free responsible in any way caphure any damages or loss of data arising from the information nnx2 in this book.

Some used Capture NX, others did not, but they all had something to share about their experiences with nikon capture nx2 manual pdf free and digital imaging. Rick Walker continues to be a great friend and a source of ideas for photography. His willingness to help others find their passion in photography is unsurpassed. Vincent Versace has helped me to better understand the creative side of Capture NX, and reminds me that despite all the sophisticated equipment, the print is what matters most.

Many of the chapter images in the book were captured while I was on a Nikonians photo trip. Most of all, I want to once again thank my wonderfully supportive wife, Elissa.

Without her support, I never could продолжить put this project together. First, the eBook format allows me to deliver my content around the world nearly instantly, thanks to the Internet. Second, by producing an eBook, I can easily and quickly нажмите чтобы узнать больше supplementary materials and revise content without fapture to reprint copies.

Beyond those two reasons, the electronic book format has some significant advantages nikon capture nx2 manual pdf free its printed counterparts.

First of all, this book contains bookmarks in the table of contents. Clicking a TOC entry will take you directly to nikkon page.

Clicking these links will take you either to a page in this book, or to a website on the Internet. This added по этому сообщению of interaction is something I caprure makes this book easy to use. Can you print this nikom I recommend using a print service instead of your inkjet printer, but the choice is up to you. Should a commercial print service deny you a printed copy узнать больше здесь to copyright issues, refer them to the copyright page in this book.

I suggest printing two pages per sheet in landscape orientation; this will keep related topics together. What if you lose my eBook? Treat this book just as you would any other book in your library. A listing of them is in Appendix 2. I also may post coupon codes for other products there from time to mwnual. Registration is free, and you can windows 10 network reset tool free their moderated discussions and resource articles.

To hear more of my thoughts on digital and film photography, tune in to The Image Doctors podcast at Nikonians. For links to all the latest articles on Nikon gear and photography from around the world wide web, take a look at Nikonlinks. Keep in mind that Capture NX2 is a large toolbox with a variety of tools. Not every job you come across will require all of these tools, but they are there if you need them. Other RAW converters will only read white-balance WB settings from your Mqnual and interpret everything else tone, color, sharpness using their own default settings.

Often times, this means less work in post-processing, especially if your camera settings were optimal. Automatic Adjustments Capture NX2 implements many corrections automatically, saving time captuge editing.

If anyone knows the properties of the Nikon camera sensors, it is Nikon themselves. The RAW converter generally allows the cappture to make global changes to the image changes that affect the entire imagebut then local changes like dodging and burning must be performed in a separate application on a RGB image file TIFF or JPEG.

Non- destructive editing is possible in other applications, but often involves doubling or tripling the file size. Which would you rather have-- a 20MB file or a MB file? Again, the savings in storage requirements are profound. A single 20MB NEF file could easily contain the instructions for producing five different image variants of different sizes and qualities. Here is an overview of some of the new features found in Capture NX2. At the end of the day, you may find yourself using Capture Nikon capture nx2 manual pdf free for the majority of your editing and relying on other applications less.

I always keep a copy of Photoshop around for the times when I need to add effects such as fref to my images. Evans, Colorado. Who wants to spend time in front of the computer when you can spend time behind the lens? Which one to choose? In fact, I strongly recommend that beginners shoot RAW. A digital RAW image is not actually an image nikon capture nx2 manual pdf free all. It is a package of data produced by your digital camera.

Some of that data comes from the image sensor. Other pieces of information include shooting information like shutter speed, aperture and lens focal length. In and of itself, a RAW file cannot be displayed as an image.

The images you see on your computer screen are RGB images. Just as a color print negative needs to be properly processed and converted into a positive print, caprure camera sensor data needs to be properly interpreted to produce an RGB image. Consider it the same as a choice between taking your film to the local drugstore for developing and printing or setting up a mznual darkroom. While the automated printing machines at most photo labs did a decent job overall, there were situations where the automated settings were clearly nlkon appropriate.

I once went out nikon capture nx2 manual pdf free the Mojave desert to photograph the Hale-Bopp comet. At the time, I nanual simply shooting print film and I had it processed at a local budget lab.

Sure enough, the machines in the lab were capturre by the excessively dark freee essentially black and adjusted the exposure to a middle gray value. All my prints came back looking grainy and gray, when I knew the nikon capture nx2 manual pdf free should have been nikon capture nx2 manual pdf free dark. Odf had no way to go back and change the prints. You can think of your digital camera as being a self-contained photo lab when you shoot in JPEG mode. The resulting JPEG file will have some, but not much, latitude for adjustments and corrections later on in your computer.

It is fairly compact, it can be compressed, and if produced properly it vapture make excellent prints. Читать полностью there are some significant limitations to the JPEG file that make it less useful for photographers wishing to get the maximum nikon capture nx2 manual pdf free from their cameras. This means that when you save them, the JPEG compression algorithm which makes the files smaller actually throws away image data.

Every time you save a JPEG, some data are thrown away. Therefore, if you wish to use JPEG as your digital nikon capture nx2 manual pdf free, it is imperative to use the highest possible quality setting and always save your processed manial as copies. Overwriting the original JPEG file results in unrecoverable data loss. JPEGs are 8-bit color. On the other hand, a bit image offers the photographer potentially 65, steps of tonality.

Is that overkill? Captrue if you set the white balance wrong, or accidentally have noise reduction set too high and lose image detail? L-R Original image. JPEG image corrected using standard tools. Especially на этой странице those new to photography, who might not be experts at dialing in the optimal camera settings for a particular scene, shooting JPEG is a liability.

The images below are an example of what happens when I make a mistake which happens a lot, according to my wife. The as-shot nnikon was overexposed по этому сообщению at least 1.

So what is a photographer nd2 do?


- Nikon capture nx2 manual pdf free


Open the CD through the My Computer icon on your desktop, and double-click on the setup icon that appears within the window that is displayed to begin the setup wizard. Page Color Management Options Color Management Options Once the setup wizard has installed the files onto your computer, you will be provided with options to set up your color management preferences. Support for computer related issues is free for either six or twelve months from the date of your first call to Nikon, depending on your product.

Please ask our customer service representative for details. Also, visit6 our technical support web site at www. Using the Browser To open an image using the browser, follow these steps: Open the Folders palette, the Browser palette will automatically open. Click on the pull-down menu for the Open destination folder with other application after transfer option. The NEF file format saves the complete contents of the Edit List palette along with the original image. All changes made to the image are stored separately within the file, enabling a non-destructive image editing workflow.

This file format enables you to save a greater number of images using the same amount of hard disk space as the other file formats.

To create such a small file size, a form of compression is used that irreversibly affects the quality of the image. Page 23 Next, modify elements that affect only localized areas, such as blemishes and small distracting elements.

Then, apply effects that add a style or mood to the image. Finally, prepare the image for output by resizing and sharpening. Following these simple guidelines can help improve the quality of your images and provide a more structured approach to enhancing your images.

The print function is both easy and powerful, enabling you to create high quality, fully color managed prints. You can select Print… from the File menu at any time to print the current image, or you can select multiple images from within the Browser palette to create a print package. If desired, check the Crop Photos to Fit option to ensure the entire printable surface is utilized. Page 27 Check the Use Output Resolution option. If the image is larger than the page, click on the Page Setup button and select the appropriate paper size that the image will fit upon.

Page Printing Contact Sheets Printing contact sheets To print a series of images as a contact sheet, follow these steps: Open the Browser palette and select the images you would like to print. To select multiple files, hold either the Shift key and click on the first and last images of a range, or hold the Ctrl Windows or command Macintosh keys while single-clicking on each additional file you want to add. Page 29 Click on the Select Layout option, and then in the provided pull-down menu, choose the number of images you would like to display on a single page.

Alternatively, you can use the Select Picture Size option and select the size of each picture. Capture NX 2 will automatically tile the available images to fit onto one or more pages. Page Batch Processing Batch Processing Batch processing is the automatic application of one or more enhancements to a series of images. Typically, a photographer will use a batch process to apply a predefined series of adjustments to several images at once.

Capture NX 2 contains even more methods of batch processing than before. You will then be presented with the Batch Process dialog. Click on the Browse… button in the Source section and locate the folder of images you wish to process.

Page 32 Check the Rename box if you would like to change the name of the processed files. Click on the Edit… button to call up the File Naming dialog and determine the naming convention for the processed images. Use the Select File Format pull-down menu to select the file format for the processed images. To select all of the images in the current folder, navigate to the Edit menu and choose Select All.

For the Destination option, choose where the new JPEG or TIFF files should be placed by using the Select folder option to place them in a new folder or using the Use source folder option to place them in To select multiple files, either hold the Shift key and click on the first and last images of a range, or hold the Ctrl key Windows or command key Macintosh while single-clicking on each additional file you want to add.

The Advanced section provides you with options for the selected file format. Start Click to begin converting the files. Page General General Open With Application Choose this option to select the application you wish to use when opening files with the Open With… command in the File menu. Page Intent Intent Use this preference to set the default rendering intent for the various color management features throughout Capture NX 2. The different rendering intents control how colors from your image are made to fit into the colors that your printer can produce as indicated by the printer profile.

Please note: different printer and paper combinations, as well as the different software used to create printer profiles, benefit from different rendering intents. When Point Sample is selected, a single pixel will be sampled when a dropper is used.

Grid Color Click on the color patch to bring up the color picker and select the color for the gridlines displayed on top of the image when the Show Grid option is enabled.

Both cache systems speed up the interaction of Capture NX 2 by storing processed information on the hard disk, enabling Capture NX 2 to use the cached information instead of reprocessing the files.

The browsing cache is used for the thumbnails created and displayed in the Browser palette, while the editing cache is used for NEF files saved during editing. Page 49 With the default settings, Capture NX 2 will utilize up to 2 gigabytes of hard disk space to store cache files.

If all 2 gigabytes of allocated space are utilized by cache files, Capture NX 2 will begin to replace the oldest cache files with new cache files.

You can click on any of the available presets to display the contents in the field editor, duplicate the preset using the Duplicate button, or delete the preset using the Delete button. Page Labels Labels Label Compatibility Use the Label Compatibility pull-down menu if you use another digital asset management software application to tag and sort your images.

Capture NX 2 supports a number of digital asset management software applications. If you select the appropriate option from the pull-down menu, Capture NX 2 will be able to read the label and rating information added by that application. Page Available Labels Available Labels The maximum number of labels available depends on the selection in the Label Compatibility pull-down menu.

You can choose the number of labels to display by clicking on the radio button next to the desired number of labels. Manage Settings The Manage Settings section enables you to determine which settings are displayed within the Load Adjustments sub-menu of the Batch menu. By default, Capture NX 2 provides you with four different workspaces.

Within this tab, additional workspaces can be added or removed and you can determine the shortcuts to assign each available workspace. Please note that, you cannot delete a default workspace. Chapter 7 — Preferences Workspaces Page 56 Chapter 7 — Preferences This section contains a brief overview of each of the main elements that make up the Capture NX 2 interface, as well as information about the new workspaces, working with multiple screens, using the image window, and working with palettes and menus.

Page Workspaces Workspaces Workspaces are new in Capture NX 2, enabling you to quickly change tasks while displaying only the palettes and windows necessary for that task. Capture NX 2 comes with four different default workspaces and provides you with the ability to create custom workspaces. Selecting a particular workspace will arrange all of the palettes and windows according to the stored settings for that workspace including the position, state of the palette maximized or minimized , as well as other settings that affect what is displayed within a palette or window.

Page Metadata Metadata The metadata workspace is designed to provide you with optimum workspace to review and add metadata to your images. Within this workspace only the Browser and Metadata palettes are displayed. Page 61 To create a custom workspace, follow these steps: Arrange the palettes and windows according to your taste.

Navigate to the Window menu and select the Workspaces sub-menu, then select Save Workspace. Alternatively, click on the workspace selector and select Save Workspace. Type in the name of the new workspace and click You can then assign a shortcut to this new workspace by following these steps: Navigate to the Edit menu Windows or If you select a shortcut already in use by another workspace, the shortcut for that other workspace will automatically be set to None.

Page Desktop Please note: Only default workspaces can be applied in this manner. Custom workspaces always are applied to all available screens. Please note: Some workspaces cannot be used in conjunction with another.

The following table shows the available combinations. Page Image Window Image Window Image windows are the frames that contain your images and provide you with important data which can help you enhance the image. Image windows are displayed as long as Capture NX 2 is not in the full screen or presentation modes. Page Soft Proof Soft Proof The soft proof feature enables you to preview the effect of an output profile on your image, approximating the results you can expect from your printer. The soft proof function provides you with controls to preview the use of different profiles.

Page 66 Soft proof offers the following options: Target Profile Select the color profile from the list to view the result of the color management system and to preview how the different color management settings will affect your image.

Intent Choose from four different rendering intents. The different rendering intents control how colors in your image are mapped to the colors that your printer can produce as indicated by the printer profile.

Page Finding Palettes Finding Palettes Undocking many palettes can sometimes make it difficult to locate that palette. All palettes and windows can be located using the Window menu. The most frequently used palettes and windows are listed directly in the Window menu, while less frequently used undocked palettes and windows are listed in the Undocked Palettes section of the Window menu.

To open a folder of images in the browser, double-click the folder icon in the browser or use the Folders palette, the Open Folder in Browser command in the File menu, or Nikon Transfer. Notice the dust spots in this image.

Adjust the size of the Auto Retouch Brush using either the size slider that appears beneath the toolbar, or by After Auto Retouch Brush using the keyboard shortcuts [ or ]. Repeat for additional dust spots, offending seagulls, or anything else that is small and distracting. Tip: Keep your sensor clean One way to get rid of dust spots is to have a clean sensor. I recommend the Copper Hill method. Before We all have shots where our subject looks like the devil with red eyes.

Use them in the situations where they are warranted. Obviously, if your horizon is level in the image then using the straighten tool makes little sense. Use the Straighten tool to correct tilted images. Drag the Straighten Tool across the horizon line or other reference point. Some lenses, especially super-zoom lenses and wide-angle lenses, will produce images with slight distortions.

You can use the Distortion Control Tool in Capture NX2 to correct distortions in your images caused by lens aberrations. Note that white areas appear around the image. You can change the fill color using the Fill color tool in the Edit Step. Drag the slider to the right to correct barrel distortion. One way to use the Crop Tool is to help improve your compositions.

Remember, the Crop Tool does not resize your image. Use constrained cropping to maintain a particular aspect ratio for your image. Use the in your image. As anchor points on the corners and sides of the crop frame to resize it. Click the Enter key on your keyboard or double- click inside the crop area to set the crop. You can remove a crop at any time by deleting the crop step from the Edit List.

Not to worry; the effect will stay applied in exactly the same place you originally put the Control Point. Warning: Placing Control Points after cropping If you place a Control Point on your image after you have cropped it, and then later decide to delete the Crop Edit Step, the Control Point will not only move in your image, but its effect will be replotted, as well.

I strongly encourage you to crop after all Control Points have been added to your image to avoid issues. In addition, if you install 3rd- party filters, like Nik Color Efex Pro, these items will be displayed in the Filter Menu.

This of course allows you to apply Filter Effects globally or locally. This filter will darken the complementary color to the color you choose. For example, a yellow filter will darken blues in your image and lighten yellows. This is a filter that I use very little, if at all. Colorize Use the colorize filter to overlay colors onto the image.

Use the color selector or eyedropper tool from the Colorize tool to choose the desired color. Black and White Conversion Use this filter to convert color images to black and white. The filter option works in the same way as the filters in the monochrome settings in Picture Control. These filters will show up in the Filter Menu, and are also applied in Edit Steps. The filter options you see will depend on the version of Color Efex you have installed. By now, you have probably noticed that when you disable in-camera sharpening in Picture Control, your image looks quite soft.

In Capture Sharpening, you need to consider our camera. Second, you must also consider our subject matter. Output Sharpening happens as the very last step in the output stage of your workflow and takes into consideration the size and destination of your image. A small image destined for the web will be sharpened much differently than a 16x20 inkjet print. Capture and Output Sharpening are applied as global adjustments.

In between the two sharpening steps, it is an option to perform some selective sharpening or blurring of our image to get a desired effect. Noise Removal Depending on your camera and how you use it, noise may or may not be an issue. Every camera manufacturer has its own approach to noise removal, but one thing is constant; removing noise can cause a loss of fine detail in images.

Your sharpening settings will be impacted by any noise removal settings you use, because these two processes are effectively working against each other. Therefore, it is important to be able to adjust sharpening settings in the context of noise removal. In my opinion, leaving noise removal up to the photographer is a good thing. If you plan on using any of these programs some of which are quite good , do not sharpen your image at all, and do all your noise reduction and final output sharpening in Photoshop or Photoshop Elements.

First, it provides excellent control over image sharpness. Second, Capture NX2 automatically applies USM only to the luminosity channel of your image, reducing the appearance of color shifts and other artifacts.

The third, and possibly nicest feature of sharpening in Capture NX2 is the fact that sharpening becomes a non-destructive process. While there are ways to sharpen non-destructively in Photoshop, those techniques are far more complicated and require bitmap layers that can easily double the image file size. Think of it as a master volume control for USM. Radius: This slider changes the distance over which the USM effect is applied.

A small radius sharpens fine detail, a large radius sharpens overall shape. Threshold: The threshold slider adjusts the sensitivity of the USM tool to differences in tone values between adjacent pixels. The value you enter is the number of tonal steps that any two adjacent pixels must differ by in order to be affected by the tool. A threshold of 0 would sharpen just about anything in the image; a threshold of would sharpen almost nothing.

Make sure Picture Control sharpening is set to zero 0. Clockwise and then adjust the from top left: No sharpening applied; over-sharpened image; proper Capture intensity slider to get Sharpening. That to your hard drive and way, I can quickly choose between Neutral, Standard, and then use the Manage Vivid presets from the batch icon and turn off sharpening at Settings tool from the NX2 preferences options to the same time. Settings files can only be opened from within Capture NX2 when an image is active in the Edit Window.

Another sharpening technique uses the High- Pass filter to enhance image contrast. To apply high-pass sharpening: 1 Open an image file. Your image will turn gray. NR blurs noise, sharpening enhances noise. Noise starts to appear in images as you increase the ISO setting in your camera. Different sensors have different noise qualities, but in general, noise can occur in either the chrominance color part of your image or the luminance detail part of your image. Note the mild chrominance color noise and moderate luminance noise grain.

The quality setting will greatly impact the amount of time it takes to process the Noise Reduction filter. The two adjustment sliders seem simple enough: Intensity and Sharpness. The sharpness slider works by restoring detail in the luminosity channel, while the Intensity slider blurs both color and detail. People obsess about noise and noise reduction. I suggest that Noise Reduction be applied sparingly. Consider that just about every digital camera on the market today provides images that are significantly cleaner than film ever was, even at high ISOs.

When should you use Noise Reduction? When can you skip Noise Reduction? If you apply NR to your image, consider using a lower amount of USM, with a higher radius and threshold than you would normally use. This setting will help prevent your USM step from re-sharpening all the noise you just tried to remove! Intensity is on the left side of the table, and sharpness 5 settings are listed at the top. The intensity slider functions to blur image data, especially in the chrominance color channels, which helps to 10 remove the appearance of noise.

The sharpness slider reduces the blur from the intensity slider, but it does so primarily from the luminosity channel. The trade off of most NR tools is that it is easy to remove color chrominance noise 25 without harming image sharpness; if there is luminance noise grain , removing it destroys detail significantly.

Usually, there are areas in images that have detail we wish to preserve, and other areas which are out of focus or where sharpness is not critical, like skies. Make sure sharpening is turned off and that you have not performed any sharpening on the image. Adjust the intensity slider so that the color noise is removed. The image will look smeared.

Optional: Selection Control Points are very useful for adding NR to skies at a strong level Use the Opacity Mixer to reduce Luminance opacity until the while leaving the rest of image has detail again. Note the chrominance and luminance noise. Sharpening will tend to counteract this blur. You may want to reduce the radius slightly if you get major halos in the image. Adding noise reduction is always at the expense of some image detail, so use it sparingly.

Nikon D2Xs, For more on versions, refer to page Typically, that means making a print, but sometimes it means making a small JPEG for the web, or an image that I can send to friends or clients via email. How you optimize your image for its final output depends on the size and quality of the image, as well as its final destination.

Most often, I resize my images for printing them without cropping them first. That is, I keep the image in its native aspect ratio and either make the image smaller or larger, depending on the print size.

There are two methods for resizing images: resizing while resampling and resizing without resampling. Resampling allows you to set the image resolution by interpolation while also scaling the image. When you use resampling, the dimensions of the image, in pixels, changes and the file size will increase or decrease. Resizing without resampling will keep the pixel dimensions and file size constant; resolution will change depending on the size you make the image.

The method that you choose will depend on the final output size and destination of your image. The other side of the image will be adjusted proportionally. Resizing without resampling will change the image resolution but keep the file size in pixels the same as the original. Resizing with Resampling will allow the File Size to grow or shrink, depending on the image size. Note that the original The most common use of the Crop Tool is to produce an image that has a particular aspect ratio.

Common picture frames, however, come in the aspect ratio 8x10, 16x Set the aspect ratio to 8x Use portrait orientation for vertical shots; landscape orientation for horizontals. The other field will scale to 8 inches. This is why you need to combine a crop with a resize step in Capture NX2. Before you try this technique, it is critical that you have a calibrated monitor and you have installed the paper color profiles for your printer.

The toughest part about soft-proofing is remembering out what the original image looked like. This technique is a great way to ensure the best possible soft-proofs. This creates a copy of your image. At least I can be ready for that when I go to print the from the Target Profile image! Choose either relative colorimetric or perceptual rendering whichever you think looks best.

Make sure black- point compensation is enabled. Understand that in some cases, a perfect match may not be possible due to the gamut color space of your printer. To overcome the sharpness loss when printing, I recommend another round of sharpening, often referred to as Output Sharpening.

As a general rule, an image properly sharpened for print will appear to be over-sharpened on the screen. This will add a High Pass filter into the open Edit Step. When you are saving an image for the Web or email, you need to make it smaller and convert it to the sRGB color space. This procedure will do just that. Use relative colorimetric intent and black point compensation checked. The print dialog will open. Otherwise, Capture NX2 will try to scale the image to fit the paper.

This will allow Capture NX2 to control the color settings. Higher quality settings result in a larger file size. In the JPEG save options dialog, you can set the compression amount to vary file size. You can change this directory in the Capture NX2 preferences.

Use the Open With Certainly, Capture NX2 puts a tremendous number of tools at your disposal. The other way to speed up image processing in Capture NX2 is to take advantage of its automated presets. Other images require special handling, but the majority of my editing steps happen in mere seconds. In just one or two clicks of my mouse, I can apply Edit Steps that contain my most commonly used adjustments. The Save Settings dialog box will open.

I save my settings to the default location. Check the box next to the step you want to save. Make sure all the other steps are unchecked. This is useful for making changes to Picture Control Settings without having to expand the Develop Section. Make sure this is the only option selected, unless you want to save other parameters. You can access all your saved settings from the Batch Icon in the Edit List.

All you need to do then is make the adjustments to the Edit Steps as you see fit. The Settings preferences dialog will open. Note: If you move the location of a Settings File, it will no longer appear in the list.

This will permanently delete the file from your computer, so use this option with care! By using the versions tool, you can store multiple instruction sets for each NEF. For example, you can save different crops, different image sizes, or different processing effects into a single NEF. Look for blue text to link you back to pages in Section I where you can refresh the use of a particular tool or technique. Portraits usually require soft lighting and low contrast.

Colors should be slightly muted in formal portraits. These settings accomplish that. Control Points will let you easily add fill lighting effects. After 7 Drag the point created on the chroma curve downward, and the widen it with the width slider. This links a second blur step along with the first one. The skin softener effect works by linking two different Gaussian Blur effects into the same Edit Step. Note: Perform this step after Capture Sharpening.

Move up 4 Click two points on the Master Lightness Curve as shown in the illustration. Then keep moving the slider to the right about 5 more units. Boost the saturation of reds and greens in the Chroma channel editor. Widen them with the width slider. Move the master chroma slider up to an output level of 5.

If the image appears over- sharpened, reduce the Amount slider. To selectively remove haze from a scene, you can use a Color Control Point. Use duplicate Control Points to fill in other areas as needed. This is a very subtle effect, but it can add some clarity to images that have large, distant objects in them.

This is the basic formula for adjusting images of wildlife. I treat wildlife images as sort of a hybrid between landscapes and portraits. I usually want my wildlife shots to have rich colors, but I also need to retain detail in fur and feathers. This is the basic routine I use for processing wildlife images. The Black and White Conversion filter allows you to change your color images into powerful black and white images.

Leave the black luminance at 0 and the white luminance at Apply Capture Sharpening. Add duplicate Control Points as needed to cover the sky and trees. If you have an older Nikon DSLR lying around, you might want to consider having it modified to shoot infrared images. A recommended place to get your camera converted to infrared is Life Pixel; www. Double Threshold This will enhance colors in the infrared image. Tool to set Black and White Control Points.

This step is entirely subjective. Then place a Neutral Control point anywhere on the image where you get nice midtones. Of all the topics in digital photography, workflow is probably the most confusing and contentious. Why is digital workflow such a challenging subject? There are different kinds of photographers out there, from the fine-art photographers who process a select few images to the high-volume, deadline-bound wedding photographers and photojournalists.

The tools suited for one style of photography may be insufficient or total overkill for other styles of photography. Workflow is also very tightly tied into the kind of camera and computing equipment a photographer chooses to use. Computer hardware creates limitations on workflow, too. My goal in this section is to share the way I do my own workflow, and give some ideas on how you can set up your own.

This allows me to set up some basic requirements that help me evaluate whether a software application will be useful in my workflow.

The whole idea of having a workflow is to not only have a reliable process for managing your digital images, but also to minimize the amount of work needed to do the management. This is what your camera and camera settings is for. Here is where you transfer images to your computer, set up file storage strategies, and evaluate images to decide what is worth processing and what is trash.

Up until now, this book has essentially dealt with 3, the Processing Phase. As a NEF shooter and Capture NX2 user, however, there are some important considerations to make when choosing a workflow application. First, you need to determine how the workflow application display RAW images. The apparent strength of many applications that offer RAW support is also their biggest weakness when it comes to NEFs.

In Image Browsers compared. Adobe Bridge bottom re-renders RAW files with its own engine. Second, you need to know how your workflow application handles metadata. Unfortunately, Capture NX2 does not read sidecar files. Third, determine how your application handles opening files in external editors. While some people simply copy their image files from the card to their computer manually, I like the flexibility of using a transfer application.

Nikon Transfer left is a free download from Nikon. Both programs offer a variety of operations that can be performed while you transfer images. I prefer to take a functional approach to file storage structure. Others may take a different viewpoint, but I try to create a master directory for my images that gives me a clue as to what images are inside it. Am I wrong? Are they? Workflow is personal. Before you run out and buy three extra hard drives, at least consider making a duplicate of all your NEFs.

The easiest way to make a back-up copy of your files is while you are transferring them into your computer. Both Nikon Transfer and Photo Mechanic offer the ability to copy images from a camera to two destinations simultaneously.

For added insurance, I set my secondary destination to a second hard disk drive. Adding metadata during image transfer One of the nice features of digital images is their ability to store metadata in addition to the image data. Some metadata, like EXIF information shooting data is already in your image file. However, adding keywords and other relevant metadata tags to your images will help you manage those images later, even help you find them on your computer.

While this process will slow down image transfers slightly, it speeds up my overall workflow. While there is nothing inherently wrong with the default naming system, it has some limitations. First of all, the default file names give you no relevant information about the file. Secondly, the Nikon file naming system will reset itself after 10, shots. That means, in time, you can get two images with identical names! This Agreement sets forth the entire agreement and understanding between you and Nikon, and supersedes and replaces any other agreements relating to the subject matter of this Agreement.

The failure of any party to insist upon strict performance of any of the terms or provisions of this Agreement, or the exercise of any option, right or remedy contained herein, shall not be construed as a waiver of any future application of such term, provision, option, right or remedy, and such term, provision, option, right or remedy shall continue and remain in full force and effect.

The headings of the sections of this Agreement are inserted for convenience only and shall not constitute a part hereof or affect in any way the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement.

Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, the provisions of section 3 and section 4 together with any provisions that by their express terms apply to periods after termination of this Agreement, shall survive termination of this Agreement for any reason.

Other products. Download Center Capture NX 2. Capture NX 2 Other products. Designed to closely match the way photographers work with their images, Capture NX 2 is easy to learn and creates the highest quality results. Features continuing from Capture NX version 1. Products and brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Hard-disk space: 50 MB required for installation; MB free space recommended. For a full list of the technical specifications please refer to the product manual.

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    Learn more about the Nikon 1 J4 Archived. Everything in between those values is rendered gray. The Edit List palette can be used as a history that allows you to go back and modify any of the adjustments that you have previously made to your images.


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